Gray Cast Iron
Gray iron is a hard brittle material with excellent damping characteristics and good machinability. This is due to graphite flakes which precipitate into the iron during solidification. Gray iron is a great thermal conductor with great wear resistance that absorbs vibration. Common applications are bushings, gears, pulleys and rollers.
Easy-To-Machine Gray
Cast Iron
- Hardness: Rockwell C22 but can be hardened up to C50
- Thickness & width tolerances: +0.250"
- Meets ASTM: A247
Shapes Available
- Rectangular Bars - oversized unpolished
- Rods - oversized unpolished & tight-tolerance unpolished
- Tubes - oversized unpolished
Ductile Cast Iron
Ductile Iron is a unique alloy that is similar to gray iron except that it is not brittle and is able to flex with more fatigue resistance than gray iron. These properties are a result of creating graphite nodules instead of graphite flakes during solidification. Ductile iron is light and absorbs vibration.
Impact-Resistant Ductile
Cast Iron
- Yield strength: 55,000 psi
- Hardness: Rockwell C20 but can be hardened up to C60
- Meets ASTM:A536
Shapes Available
- Rectangular Bars - oversized unpolished
- Rods - oversized unpolished