Midway Corporation


Zinc is a metal with countless industrial uses. As a base metal it is primarily used to galvanize steel which helps protect the metal against corrosion. Zinc is a weak metal with a tensile strength less than 1/2 of mild carbon steel. Pure zinc has low toughness and is brittle the majority of the time. Ductility and malleability happens between 212-302°. Zinc has moderate conductivity. Common zinc alloys include solder, nickel silver, typewriter metal, spring brass and German silver.

99% Commercially Pure Zinc Sheets

  • Available thicknesses: .008", .02", .027", .03", .04", .06", .125" or .187"
  • Dimensions available are 12"x12", 12"x24" or 12"x48, 14"x12", 14"x24", 14"x48", 28"x36" & 28"x48"